Monday, March 8, 2010


Manila: Philippine Marines killed at least seven Al Qaida-linked militants yesterday in a raid on a coastal hideout, but failed to capture a Malaysian terror suspect long wanted by Washington, officials said.
Government forces, backed by intelligence from captured militants and US military surveillance, have staged a series of offensives against the Abu Sayyaf extremist group in recent weeks — including one that killed a top commander last month.
  • Marines in rubber boats launched the latest raid yesterday on Laminusa Island off southern Sulu province, sparking two clashes that left seven militants dead — including two women — and wounded a Marine, regional military commander Brigadier General Rustico Guerrero said.
  • Malaysian militant Zulkifli Bin Hir, also known as Marwan, and Abu Sayyaf commander Abu Benhur are believed to have escaped with other fleeing militants, Guerrero said.
  • "They may have escaped but we're pursuing them. This campaign will be relentless," he told The Associated Press by telephone.
  • Marines recovered 15 assault weapons abandoned by the militants in a rural tangle of huts on stilts, he said.
  • The US has offered a $5 million reward for the capture of Marwan, a US-trained Malaysian engineer who has been accused by Philippine authorities of involvement in a number of deadly bombings in the country.
  • Marwan has alleged links to several southeast Asian terrorist groups with Al Qaida ties. The US State Department says he is believed to be a leader of the militant organisation Kumpulun Mujahidin Malaysia (KMM) and a member of the central command of Jemaah Islamiyah, the Al Qaida affiliate blamed for numerous regional attacks, including the 2002 Bali nightclub bombings in Indonesia.
  • He is thought to have been living in the southern Philippines since 2003 and is accused of conducting explosives training for Abu Sayyaf militants there.
Source: AP

1 comment:

  1. We should all be aware and guard against a possible Nacionalista government. As a retired uniformed officer, I cannot stay silent on the issue. All that we have trained, fought and given our lives for will be lost...

    Public office is a Public Trust
