Saturday, November 7, 2009


RIYADH — Saudi Arabia has carried out air Strikes against “infiltrators” from Yemen and that the strikes were limited to areas inside Saudi territory.
  • The official Saudi Press Agency said in a statement early Friday that its military “silenced the origin of the infiltrators’ fire” and carried out concentrated air strikes against them within Saudi borders.
  • It says the kingdom has tightened control over the areas where the infiltrators had tried to establish a presence. The statement did not identify the infiltrators.
  • But Arab diplomats have said the Saudi strikes this week targeted Yemen’s Shiite rebel stronghold across the Saudi border. The rebels have been battling Yemeni government forces for the past few months.
  • Saudi planes bombed Yemeni rebel targets on Thursday after insurgents launched a cross-border raid that killed at least one Saudi security officer, officials said. A Saudi government adviser said the air force had been in action since late Wednesday and had struck positions well inside Yemen. He said Saudi troops were moving towards the border.
  • However, a Yemeni defense official denied the Saudis had hit targets on Yemeni soil, while officials in Riyadh only confirmed air raids on a Saudi border area briefly seized by rebels.
Source: World News

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