Saturday, November 21, 2009


The remains of victims that were allegedly kidnapped and killed by a criminal gang in the jungle of Peru for human fat trafficking. Photograph: National Police Of Peru/EPA
Police in Peru say they have broken up a gang that allegedly killed dozens of people and sold fat from the corpses to buyers in Europe who used it to make cosmetics.
  • Three of the people arrested confessed to killing five people, Colonel Jorge Mejia, who heads Peru's anti-kidnapping police, said on Thursday.
  • He said that the gang, which operated in the remote Peruvian jungle, might have been involved in dozens more incidents.
  • He said that one of the suspects claimed other gangs were also involved in such killings.
  • The gang allegedly cut off their victims' heads, arms and legs, removed the organs, then suspended the torsos from hooks above candles that warmed the flesh as fat dripped into tubs below.
  • Police dubbed the gang the "Pishtacos" after a Peruvian myth about men who killed to extract human fat.

Source: The Agencies

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