Friday, November 6, 2009


The creator of a controversial play which depicts Christ returned to earth as a female transsexual has accused critics of misinterpreting her work. Nearly 300 people picketed the opening night of Jesus, Queen of Heaven at the Tron Theatre in Glasgow this week, part of the city’s publicly funded annual Glasgay! arts festival.
  • Protesters lit candles, sang hymns and brandished placards saying: "Jesus, King of Kings, Not Queen of Heaven" and "God: My Son Is Not A Pervert." But the play’s writer and sole performer Jo Clifford, who is herself transgender and a committed Christian, has been deeply shocked by the reaction to the play.
  • She said opponents, who had not seen the piece, were wrong to condemn her and had misunderstood her intentions. She said: “I think it is very sad that the protest has enlisted Christians who have difficulties with gays and transsexuals. I wanted to point out that this does not have any foundation in the Bible. The people who angered Jesus were the scribes, Pharisees and hypocrites – the people who were deeply prejudiced those who passed judgment on people they did not know.”
  • The 59-year-old playwright from Edinburgh, formerly known as John Clifford, switched genders nine years ago following the death of her partner with whom she had two children. Her specially commissioned play, which was described by one reviewer as “overburdened by its ambition and a central characterisation that could inspire no-one” has a capacity audience of just 25. Since the publicity over the protests it has sold all remaining seats until the run comes to an end on Saturday.
Source: The Independent

1 comment:

  1. RE: Jesus Queen of Heaven

    "Her specially commissioned play"
    This is factually inaccurate. the artist was paid a modest fee for presentation of her own ready made work. It was not commissioned by the festival.
