Saturday, November 28, 2009


Climate models have confirmed that as a result of human-induced global warming, the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is increasing.
The research was done by scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists and a group of international researchers.
  • Global Warming is a serious crisis right now. Not a lot of people are taking any notice to whats going on around them. People take for granted to the things they have and don't take care of the Earth.
  • Global Warming is a global issue that involves everything and everyone. The main reason for global warming is something that is called the Greenhouse effect, which is when a gas called CO2 or also known as carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere and with that the suns rays can't escape causing the Earth to warm up.
  • One major affect is that natural disasters will worsen such as hurricanes and droughts will become deadly. If people don't react soon and take action the world will suffer.
  • Some things that people are doing are looking for energy substitutes such hydro power and wind power for cleaner energy instead of using fossil fuels.
  • Global warming is a growing problem that in the future will affect us in many ways. The world is heating up and the arctic ice is melting and the water levels are rising. Many of the world coats will sink in as well as other small islands. Animals are also being affected like polar bears because the land they stand on is disappearing so they have to swim further distances and when they no longer can keep up they drown..
Source: Yahoo,

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