Friday, November 20, 2009


KABUL – Afghanistan will prosecute corrupt officials and control its own security within five years, President Hamid Karzai pledged Thursday in an inauguration speech made under intense pressure to shed the cronyism and graft that marked his government's first term.
  • As Karzai vowed to make the country safe from an increasingly violent Taliban insurgency, two U.S. service members died in a bomb attack and a suicide bomber killed 10 civilians in the south. But his speech appeared to make strides toward appeasing the international allies he needs to fend off the Islamist militants.
  • U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Karzai's comments about battling corruption provide a "very strong base on which to measure the actions taken."
  • "He could have been very vague and talked about how we're all against it and all want to end it, but he was much more specific, and we're going to, along with the people of Afghanistan, watch very carefully to see how that's implemented," said Clinton, who attended Karzai's inauguration.


  1. Hello..
    May i noe why my blog suddenly missing from ur site?

    is that anything wrong with my writings?

  2. Vasantarao Appalasamy@BANGSA MALAYSIA,
    Somehow, you other blog @ Perisik Rakyat had been link into my other blog.

    However during the proses of updating, your other blog @ Bangsa Malaysia had been omitted from my SOLYMONE BLOG.

    No doubt your writing is a bit of provocative and contradicting, but so far I can take it.
