Saturday, November 14, 2009


KUANTAN, Malaysia - The caning sentence imposed on part-time model Sari Dewi Shukarno still has not been carried out following syubahah (doubt) in the implementation.
  • Pahang Religious Affairs Committee Chairman Datuk Mohamad Sahfri Ab Aziz said they must be careful when carrying out the punishement, especially on female offenders.
  • "In our 52 years of independence, we have not had a female caner," he said replying to a supplementary question from Syed Mohammed Tuan Lonnik (PAS-Beserah) regarding obstruction in carrying out the sentence on Kartika at the 12th Pahang state assembly, here today.
  • Mohamad Sahfri said, however, a similar punishment had been carried out for the same offence on an Indonesian man, whereby he received six strokes of the cane at the Penor Prison, here yesterday.
  • He said Pahang was among the states that provided for the fine, prison and caning sentences for the offence of consuming alcohol.
  • Kartika, 32, was fined RM5,000 and sentenced to be caned six times by the Kuantan Syariah High Court on July 20 after she confessed to violating Islamic laws by drinking beer in a hotel lobby in Cherating on July 11 last year.
  • Replying to Syed Mohammed's original question that the caning sentence did not follow the Islamic law, Mohamad Sahfri said it complied with regulations approved by the Pahang state assembly and jurisdiction allocated by the Federal Constitution through the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) 1965.
  • He said although the Islamic laws fixed between 40 to 80 canings for alcohol consumption which is recognised as a hudud offence, the Syariah Court had no jurisdiction to impose hudud sentences.
Source: Bernama

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