Saturday, October 17, 2009


Morgan Tsvangirai told reporters Friday his party members would not attend Cabinet meetings or engage in other executive work with Mugabe's party. His erstwhile governing partners said good riddance, even though both sides need the coalition.
  • "Until confidence has been restored we can't continue to pretend that everything is well," Tsvangirai said, referring to a trial scheduled to begin Monday against Roy Bennett, the prime minister's nominee for deputy agriculture minister who is charged with weapons violations.
  • The charges are linked to long-discredited allegations that Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change plotted Mugabe's violent overthrow.
  • "We are not really pulling out officially," Tsvangirai said, assuring a press conference that his move did not spell the collapse of the government. But he made it clear his party members would not attend Cabinet meetings or engage in other executive work with Mugabe's ZANU-PF party. The MDC will continue parliament activities.
Source: AP

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