Monday, October 12, 2009


The Swedish journalist who caused a controversy by accusing Israeli forces of stealing and selling Palestinian organs says he has been receiving death threats.
  • Donald Bostrom's article was published in Aftonbladet daily in August and caused a diplomatic row between Sweden and Israel. On Sunday, he told a press conference in Damascus, Syria, that he has been receiving threats on his life ever since.
  • In the article, which he claims is based on the testimonies of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, he paints a grotesque picture of the conflict. It claimed that Israeli forces for the past 17 years had murdered Palestinian youths for their organs.
  • The piece also highlighted a current case of an American Jew charged with trafficking kidneys of Palestinians.
  • Bostrom maintains that Palestinian youths are not the sole victims of the smuggling racket and that some Israeli firms have been behind such enterprises for much longer.
  • Israeli officials on Saturday revealed that they were mulling whether or not to recall the ambassador to Stockholm in view of the Swedish Foreign Ministry's refusal to condemn the report, which Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman branded as anti-Semitic.
  • Sweden says it respects freedom of speech as part of its Constitution.
Press TV

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