Saturday, October 3, 2009


The future of the European Union hangs in the balance as Ireland votes Oct. 2 on a treaty to strengthen the EU. Two historic events should push them toward "yes" – the "great recession" of 2009 and Russia's invasion of Georgia last year.
  • Friday's vote is a do-over for Ireland. In 2008, its voters said "no" to a proposed pact that would streamline EU decision-making and raise Europe's profile on the world stage. They worried that the Lisbon Treaty – a revamped European "constitution" – would override national rights on near-and-dear issues of abortion, corporate taxes, and military neutrality.
  • Dublin has since worked out guarantees for this check list, and polls show an inclination to approve. But Europe is still holding its breath. The leaders of Poland and the Czech Republic have yet to sign the treaty, although their parliaments have approved it. They would likely fall into line if Ireland gives the nod.
  • The prospect of EU membership has been a stabilizing force in Europe. It reinforced political and economic reform in central Europe. It moved the tinderbox Balkans in a peaceful direction. It's pushing NATO-member Turkey toward a stronger democracy and free-market economy. But it's hard to see Europe taking on more new members without a Lisbon Treaty.
  • With it, a future Europe can be more stable. It can continue to attract reform-minded members – and repel aggression among states. That's worth voting for.
Source: Yahoo News

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