Friday, September 18, 2009


Britain's labor unions have voted to support a massive boycott movement on Israel in response to its December-January offensive in Gaza.
  • The boycott calls for a ban on goods from "illegal" Israeli settlements and an end to arms trading with Israel and disinvestment from some companies.
  • According to Union officials, the boycott would target products including dates, herbs, fruit and vegetables grown in Israeli settlements in the West Bank.
  • "We will support a boycott of those goods and agricultural products that originate in illegal settlements through developing an effective, targeted consumer-led boycott campaign," the Trades Union Congress (TUC) said in a statement.
  • Meanwhile, the TUC has condemned the blockade of Gaza and the Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip at the end of last year.
  • According to the TUC, the motion is the culmination of a wave of motions passed at union conferences this year and reflects massive growth in support for Palestinian rights.
  • The move was, however, criticized by Israel's ambassador to the UK, Ron Prosor.
Source: Press TV

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