Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Muntadhar al-Zeidi, the television reporter jailed for throwing his shoes at George Bush, the former US president, last year has been released. He was set to be freed on Monday but red tape delayed the decision by a day.
  • Addressing a news conference shortly after his release on Tuesday, al-Zeidi, 30, said he was tortured with beatings, whippings and electric shocks during his first few days in custody.
  • He was met outside the jail in Baghdad by parliamentarians who support his case, Uday al-Zeidi, his brother, said.
  • "Today I am free again but my home is still a prison," al-Zeidi said, in a swipe at the continued US military presence in Iraq six and half years after the invasion to oust Saddam Hussein.
  • Al-Baghdadiya television, his employer, showed footage of him arriving at its station to address the media surrounded by guards.
  • He was wrapped in an Iraqi flag and wore black sunglasses.
  • On al-Zeidi's arrival, the staff at Al-Baghdadiya slaughtered at least three sheep in his honour.
  • "Thanks be to God that Muntadher has seen the light of day," Uday said.
  • "I wish Bush could see our happiness. When President Bush looks back and turns the pages of his life, he will see the shoes of Muntadher al-Zeidi on every page."
  • Al-Zeidi was initially sentenced to three years for assaulting a foreign head of state, but had his jail time reduced to one year on appeal.
  • He shouted "it is the farewell kiss, you dog" at Bush on December 14 last year, seconds before hurling his size-10 shoes at him.
Source: The Agencies

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