Thursday, August 6, 2009


KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 6 — Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) today announced that it would let the state government decide on the sale of alcoholic beverages in Muslim-majority areas in Selangor.
  • “At this stage, we at the central committee level are confident that the matter can be resolved by the state government,” said party secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali.
  • “We are confident that Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim can handle the problem wisely,” he added.
  • On Tuesday, Selangor PAS chief and state executive councillor Datuk Hassan Ali demanded DAP's Ronnie Liu be stripped of his local council portfolio.
  • Hassan said that the decision was made by the state PAS after Liu ordered council officers to return the beer seized from a convenience store as local councils are not empowered to conduct such seizures.
  • “From the Islamic point of view, there is no blanket ban on the sale of alcohol,” said Mustafa.
  • When asked whether PAS endorses Hassan's demand for Liu to be reassigned, Mustafa said the matter did not arise.
  • “There is no need for Datuk Hassan Ali's explanation, this is not about individuals but it's about policy,” he said to a question on whether the central committee had sought an explanation from Hassan.
  • Mustafa added that disagreement among party leaders in Pakatan Rakyat-controlled state governments is normal.
  • “Look at Kedah, the problem raised by DAP was handled by state leaders wisely without the need for the central level to interfere,” said Mustafa, referring to Kedah DAP's threat to pull out of the state PR after disagreement with Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Razak.
  • “You can look at the latest development as a sign of disunity or you can interpret this as PR's wisdom in solving problems when the issue is over,” he added.
  • On allegations that Hassan did not consult the Selangor PAS liaison committee before calling for Liu's removal, Mustafa explained that the state Dewan Harian or management committee can act for the state liaison committee “on matters that require swift response.”
  • Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad today said that Hassan had not adhered to party procedure when calling for the reshuffle of state executive councillor.
  • “But on matters that require further discussion, they may be brought to the liaison committee,” added Mustafa.
Courtesy: The Malaysian Insider

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