Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Iran’s opposition leader Mirhossein Mousavi said today the pro-reform protests which erupted after the country’s disputed June presidential vote will continue, his website reported.
  • “The pro-reform path will continue,” Mousavi said in a statement. “The establishment should respect the constitution and let us to gather to commemorate our killed loved ones on Thursday.”
  • Moderate defeated candidates Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi yesterday called on the authorities to permit a gathering on Thursday at Tehran’s “Grand Mosala,” a prayer location where tens of thousands can gather, to commemorate unrest victims.
  • The June 12 vote plunged the country into its biggest internal crisis since the 1979 Islamic revolution and exposed deepening divisions in its ruling elite.
  • Iranian media have reported several cases of protesters’ deaths following the vote, including those of Sohrab Aarabi and Mohsen Ruholamini.
  • Rights groups say hundreds of people, including senior pro- reform politicians, journalists, activists and lawyers, have been detained in Iran since the election, which moderates say was rigged in favour of hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
  • Mousavi, prime-minister in 1980s, said detentions could not halt the pro-reform movement.
Source:: Reuters, TMI

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