Saturday, June 13, 2009


The UN Security Council voted unanimously Friday to adopt tougher sanctions targeting North Korea's atomic and ballistic missile programmes, but the Stalinist state was reportedly sticking to its nuclear defiance.
  • All 15 members endorsed a resolution sponsored by Britain, France, Japan, South Korea and the United States.
  • The text, which does not authorize the use of force, calls on UN member states to slap expanded sanctions on North Korea in response to its May 25 underground nuclear test and subsequent missile firings.
  • These include tougher inspections of cargo suspected of containing banned items related to North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile activities, a tighter arms embargo with the exception of light weapons and new financial restrictions.
  • A key question will be whether China, which maintains close economic ties with Pyongyang, will seriously implement the sanctions.
    A Western diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that "the Chinese and Russians have greater concern about the risk of provoking North Korea" and moved to dilute some of the mandatory measures sought by the United States an
    d its allies.
  • The resolution requires the Stalinist regime to "immediately retract its announcement of withdrawal from the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty)" and return immediately to the six-party talks on a nuclear-free Korean peninsula without precondition.
  • It also calls on member states to prevent the transfer of financial or other assets that could contribute to North Korea's nuclear or ballistic missile programmes.
  • Courtesy: Channel News Asia
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