Friday, June 12, 2009


Najib also acknowledged Obama's mention of Malaysia as being among the progressive and developed Muslim nations.
PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia: Malaysia has offered to help Washington in its desire to build better ties with the Muslim world. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, in commending US President Barack Obama on his speech about healing the rift with the Muslim world, said the American leader had given new hopes for improved relations between the West and Muslim nations with his pledge to address the causes of discord.
"I welcome Obama's speech where he spoke of new beginnings between the US and Muslims worldwide. It promises a new beginning, based on mutual respect and truthfulness.
"It is most welcoming that Obama said the US would not wage a war against the Muslim world, or Islam, and acknowledged that the religion is part of the US."
He also noted that as Obama reached out to the world's 1.5 billion followers of Islam from Cairo University last Thursday, he recognised Islam's contributions during the Renaissance period in Europe.
Najib lauded Obama's acknowledgment of the Palestinian aspiration for dignity and right to sovereignty.
"The speech was good and I congratulate him for it. What is important now is the challenge to translate it with concrete and effective actions."

Courtesy: The New Straits Time

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