Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Seemingly, this past few weeks Iran has taken the limelight of the world major news coverage. The protesters supporting Mir-Hossein Moussavi had been in the streets in the wake of the country's disputed elections and allegations of voter fraud.
With the street protests putting pressure on Iran's political leaders, it was rumoured that Rafsanjani and Hassan Rohani, Iran's former chief nuclear negotiator, were in the city of Qom, seeking a meeting of the assembly.
Khamenei's surprise decision to ask the 12-member Guardian Council to investigate the alleged election improprieties has suggested to many he is feeling the pressure.
The Iran's Guardian Council has finally come to term and prepare to recount disputed ballot boxes as defeated presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Moussavi calls for the annulment of the vote.

"We are ready to recount those boxes that some presidential candidates claim to have been cheated," said Council spokesman Abbas-Ali Kadkhodaei Tuesday."According to election regulations, the Guardian Council can respond to complaints received within three days of the election. However, despite the expiry of the legal deadline, the body is ready to receive complaints and probe into the issue and build more confidence," he added.

  • He assured the presidential candidates that the body would investigate the matter thoroughly.
    The development comes as Iran has been witnessing mass rallies by pro-Moussavi voters who reject the election as fraudulent.

  • The Guardian Council is tasked with supervising the electoral process. In order for the outcome of the election to stand, the Guardian Council must approve the results.
  • Kadkhodaei said on Monday that the body had received two official complaints from defeated presidential candidates Mir-Hossein Moussavi and Mohsen Rezaie. Both candidates have questioned the legitimacy of the June 12 poll.
  • “We have tried to build confidence in our talks with the representatives of the candidates and their request will be reviewed,” Kadkhodaei said in response to a question.
  • Source: Al Jazeera and Press TV

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