Sunday, May 17, 2009


The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) director general says Israel would be making a 'completely insane' move, should it stage a war on Iran
Head of the UN nuclear watchdog Mohamed ElBaradei (photo) advised officials in Tel Aviv to exercise restraint and allow the diplomatic approach of the Obama White House on the Iranian nuclear issue to proceed.
ElBaradei's comments, made in an interview with Der Spiegel released on Saturday, came as Israel is increasingly preparing the ground for a military strike on the Islamic Republic.
Tel Aviv, alon
g with the West, accuses Tehran of taking steps towards developing atomic weapons through its nuclear drive.
This is w
hile the Islamic Republic has repeatedly asserted that its nuclear energy program is not deviating from its stated goal of producing electricity to meet the country's growing demand.
The outgoing IAEA chief said that any military strike on Iran "would turn the region into one big fireball," warning Tel Aviv of a response from Tehran, which according to ElBaradei "could count on the support of the entire Islamic world."
Commander of the
Iranian Army Ground Force General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan(photo)had earlier warned invaders of the country's crushing response to any military attack."The Islamic Republic's reaction to any transgression will be strong… and far greater than the initial act of aggression," he said in April.
Israel, which has recently received strong warnings against surprising the US with a military strike on Iran, is reportedly conducting new military drills to prepare for a fight against foreign militaries which use MiG-29 Fulcrum fighters - a category that includes Iran.
Courtesy: Press TV

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