Sunday, May 24, 2009


Iran has blocked its citizens from accessing the social networking site Facebook to allegedly prevent campaigning before June's presidential poll for a leading opposition candidate.
The local
Iranian Labour News Agency( ILNA) reported on Saturday the prohibition of use of the site for several days. The elections are on June 12.
The ministry of communications and information technology had announced the decision, according to one internet service provider employee, although this has not been confirmed by authorities.
Facebook, based in the US, said that they had received reports that their site had been barred and that they were investigating the issue. "We are disappointed to learn of reports that users in Iran may not have access to Facebook," the company said in a statement.
The INLA, considered close to Iranian reformists, reported that internet users said that the site was blocked because supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi were using it to communicate his views. Those supporting Mousavi have said that they will use email to disseminate news of the banning.
Mousavi is a former prime minster and one of three candidates running against incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Courtesy: AlJazeera

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