Saturday, April 25, 2009


JOHANNESBURG — Jacob Zuma has claimed victory in the South African election, a result that has been welcomed by ministers in neighbouring Zimbabwe as intensifying pressure on President Robert Mugabe.
With around 95 per cent of votes counted, Zuma's African National Congress (ANC) had taken 66.1 per cent of the vote. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown called Zuma to congratulate him on his the victory.
Zuma has been outspoken in his criticism of Mugabe's autocratic rule. He supports the power-sharing agreement between Mugabe's Zanu-PF and the Movement for Democratic Change, led by Morgan Tsvangirai, but he has criticised his predecessor Thabo Mbeki's "quiet diplomacy" towards Zimbabwe.
Tendai Biti, finance minister in the unity government and secretary-general of the MDC, is looking forward to a Zuma presidency. "I don't think it will be quiet diplomacy," he said. "That was buried on Sept 22, 2008, the day Mbeki was removed. I expect a more forthright, honest and hands-on diplomacy.
"Jacob Zuma is not Thabo Mbeki and that means a lot. I know the man and meet him regularly and know the way he thinks."
Unlike Britain and the US, South Africa has thrown its weight behind the power-sharing agreement, despite concerns that Mugabe and his allies remain dominant. Biti added: "South Africa is leading the way in supporting us directly, including financial assistance. They recognise the problem requires international support They've been calling for that consistently."

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