Friday, April 24, 2009


SINGAPORE — They were promised well-paid jobs in fine restaurants in Singapore. But a group of five Thai women, including a mother and a daughter, say they ended up being forced to sleep with hundreds of men before police rescued them.
“I thought I would come here to work in a hotel, but they put me in hell,” said Pon, a mother of two in her late 30s, recalling her three days of working in a ‘jungle brothel’ before a police raid rescued her and two Thai friends.
“My pimps told me I had to pay them 20,000 baht (RM1,344) for what they paid for me if I didn’t want to work for them. Otherwise I would have to sleep with 160 men before they could start sharing some earnings,” Pon said, telling her story while sobbing at a shelter for abused migrant women.
Two others, a mother in her late 40s and her daughter in her early 20s, escaped the brothel and have returned to Thailand.
Pon, who preferred not to give her full name, said her “room” in a forested area was made of plastic sheets wrapped around wooden poles and a foldable mattress, in which pimps charged customers S$20 (RM48) for a 10-minute “shot”.
Singapore’s sex trade is a side of the Southeast Asian city-state less well-known than its air-conditioned shopping malls, efficient governance and laws that ban littering and the import of chewing gum.
Rescued sex workers said many prostitutes, willing or deceived, enter Singapore as tourists and are kept together. As tourist visas allow them to stay up to a month, many choose to have sex with as many men as possible to pay the fee.
Prostitution is legal in Singapore, but the law bans soliciting of sex and penalises those who live on the earnings of prostitutes.
Courtesy: The Malaysian Insider

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