Sunday, April 26, 2009


NABLUS,WAFA: Israeli woman visiting her Palestinian family in Nablus arrested at Huwwarra checkpoint.
Neta Golan, an Israeli citizen and Palestinian solidarity activist, was arrested by Israeli forces, at Huwawarra checkpoint, south of the city of Nablus.
Golan has been taken to the police station inside Ariel colony. Golan was visiting her Palestinian husband's family with her children and husband. She was taken despite being 5 months pregnant.
The Israeli government enforces apartheid laws which restrict families with Israeli and Palestinian members from being able to visit one another.
Under Israeli law, Israeli citizens are not allowed to visit places in the West Bank designated as Area A, which includes Palestinian cities.
This law prohibits Israelis from getting to know Palestinians and see the reality of how the occupation affects their lives. Golan, who lives in the West Bank with her family, is one of the several Israeli citizens with Palestinian spouses who face legal dilemmas as to how their families can live together.

Courtesy: Al jazeera


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