Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has cancelled his visit to the US to attend the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference after he learned that President Barak Obama will not meet on the scheduled time, Arabs48 quoted Israeli sources as saying.
Sources, according to the internet site, said last week that Obama refuses to meet Netanyahu in the time being and that every Israeli effort to make the gathering possible was to no avail.
The sources also said that
Netanyahu's silence to his FM statement was understood in Washington as support to Avigdor Lieberman's conditional restoration of talks between Israel and the Palestinian.
Lieberman does not want to go on with a two-state solution and wants the Palestinians to recognize Israel as a Jewish state as a precondition for renewing talks. The US firmly rejects the notion as recently expressed by special envoy Geroge Mitchell and the US State Department.
The US is indirectly telling Israel that the chaos
that characterized Bush's 8-year term has ended and that Israel is required to stick to its commitments to the US by evacuating settlements and adopting the two-state solution, if Israel really wants Washington's support,the source told Arabs48 site.
The sites report said that Netanyahu had asked President Shimon Peres, not Lieberman, to represent Israel during the AIPAC conference, for his capability to better promote Netanyahu's government.
The Israel Army Radio said that despite Netanyahu's statements following his meeting with Mitchell, the PM is ready to start contact with the Palestinians without pre-set conditions.
Al Jazeera

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