Sunday, April 26, 2009


Centre of attention: Datuk Raymond Tan - Deputy Chief Minister and Infrastructure Development Minister.
Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia : Now the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Wanita wing has come out in support of party Deputy President Datuk Chin Su Phin who questioned the position of Datuk Raymond Tan as Deputy Chief Minister in the State Cabinet.
Even though the appointment of Cabinet Ministers is the prerogative of the Chief Minister, LDP Wanita's stand is that there is no such party in BN known as BN-Independent, said its Wanita chief, Datin Naomi Chong in a statement here Friday.
"A stand has in fact been taken by BN Sabah on this matter a few years ago. A dangerous precedent has now been set by allowing Tan to remain in the Cabinet where he does not belong to any BN component party bearing in mind BN is a coalition of parties," she said.
Chong said that after the Press statement by Chin, even Sabah MCA had come out to say that Tan cannot remain partyless. "In short, Sabah MCA is also concerned about this matter. Chin had come out openly to say what many other BN component parties will agree short of stating their views openly," she said.
In this respect, LDP Wanita applauded and supported leaders in BN who dare to voice out what is right and what is not right, including those who are found to have committed corrupt practices whether in their own party or otherwise.
"This is what the public expects us to voice out on their behalf. The new BN Government under the leadership of Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has to take drastic action to wipe out the public perception that BN condones corruption.
"In order to win back public support, we have to start cleaning up our acts which are unpopular in the eyes of the public. We must always remain receptive to public opinion and not make a selfish statements," she added.
Earlier Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah said no one should question his sincerity for the Ba
risan Nasional."I have been fighting in the BN for the past 15 years and am very loyal to the leadership.
"Don't question my sincerity in the BN. What is important is for us to have less politicking and to close rank," he added.
When asked which BN component party would he be joining, Tan said he was still thinking about it. "I have met the presidents of the component parties in the BN to get their advice and views," he added

1 comment:

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