Saturday, April 18, 2009


Musa with his three deputies (left to right) Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah, Datuk Yahya Hussin and Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan
KOTA KINABALU: Unlike in Malaysian Federal Government, there will no be State Cabinet reshuffle for now, according to Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman. Musa who is also a State Finance Minister said right now the focus is on the implementation of development projects that had been planned for the state under the Ninth Malaysian Plan and Sabah Development Corridor (SDC).
“Our priority is to ensure the success of development projects that are being implemented as well as those that we have planned,” he said when met by reporters after attending the opening of the 13th State Assembly sitting here.
Asked if he has made any decision on the status of the "Partyless" Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah, Musa said he (Tan) would continue in his current Cabinet post. “There is no change, still the same (for Raymond),” he added. Tan, a former SAPP deputy president became “party-less” and considered himself a Barisan Nasional (BN) independent Assemblyman after remaining in the BN when SAPP pulled out from the ruling coalition in August last year.
He also said Usukan Assemblyman Datuk Japlin Akim who was sus
pended for three years by Umno for money politics would remain an assistant minister.
“He (Japlin) was only investigated and as such, there is no need to take action against him,” the Chief Minister explained.
Earlier, both Tan and Japlin when met by media outside the Assembly hall said they would leave it to the Chief Minister to decide on their respective positions.
He also said it was the Chief Minister’s prerogative to make any change to the existing Cabinet line-up.
Tan also disclosed that he has been in communication with BN component party leaders and told them how he could co
ntinue as a BN member either to set up a new party or join one of the existing state BN parties.
He added that he would after the State Assembly sitting, consult with these leaders again pertaining to the matter.
“For now I want to focus on more important matters that will be discussed in the State Assembly sitting,” he added.
Meanwhile, Japlin who is Assistant Infrastructure Development Minister said he would respect any decision made by the Umno Disciplinary Board and would remain loyal to the party regardless of what happened.
“Even if I don’t have any position I would continue to be with the party and support its struggle,” he said.
Courtesy: NST

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