Sunday, April 12, 2009


Israeli military withdraws form south Lebanon after admitting a humiliating defeat by Hezbollah forces in the summer of 2006.

Israel has filed a lawsuit against North Korea accusing Pyongyang of providing Lebanon's Hezbollah with military aid during the 33-day war.
The lawsuit was filed by 30 Israelis, who were wounded during the invasion of Lebanon in the summer of 2006, The Jerusalem Post reported Saturday.
The plaintiffs in the 100-million-dollar case, which has been opened at the Washington District Court, allege that Pyongyang provided Hezbollah with military training, and build a network of bunkers for storing Katyusha rockets.
They are represented by head of the Israel Law Center Nitzana Darshan-Leitner, and Robert Tulchi.
"It was North Korea that trained Hezbollah's senior operatives and built the group bunkers, which allowed terrorists to evade Israeli fighter jets during the Second Lebanon War and to continue firing rockets at Israeli civilian areas," Darshan-Leitner said in a statement.
Israel launched the 33-day war after the resistance movement captured two Israeli soldiers in the occupied Shebaa farms.
Tel Aviv announced that the operation was aimed at destroying Hezbollah and releasing the soldiers; the regime, however, failed to achieve its goals.
Although Israel at first claimed that the operation was successful, it was finally forced to admit defeat. The Winograd fact finding committee, which was formed to probe into the Israeli military's performance during the war reported major "flaws and failures" at all levels of decision making.
Hezbollah's victory was also inspiring for Palestinian resistance groups. In December 2008 a buoyed Hamas movement was powerful enough to severely hamper the Israeli military from achieving its goals in the Gaza Strip.
Press TV

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