Sunday, April 5, 2009


Supporters in Bukit Selambau are all ears as Anwar points out the inconsistency in the release of the 13 ISA detainees.
Just three hours after Najib had announced the release of two Hindraf leaders and 11 others, Anwar told 5,000 supporters in Bukit Selambau that so long as the ISA existed, Barisan Nasional could still detain citizens at will.
"Pakatan Rakyat still protests against this draconian law. They can still detain, then release, detain and release. Where is the justice? What kind of government is this?" he said last night.
"Yesterday they were terrorists, today they are innocent. Do not forget Tun Hussein Onn and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad did the same, but then more were detained later," he reminded the audience.
"When we said the RM7 billion economic stimulus package was not enough, they said, no, this is enough. Then Najib announced a new RM60 billion plan and they said we support it.
When the government called the detainees terrorists, they supported. Now it says they are suddenly innocent and they also support."
"It was meant to stop militant communism and should have been repealed once it was resolved. There is no rationale to start studying now. It should simply be repealed immediately," he said.
He also brushed aside suggestions that the release of two Hindraf leaders would affect the loyalties of Indian voters who make up 30 per cent of the electorate in Bukit Selambau.
"The release of Hindraf leaders is just one of the demands of the Indian community. For as long as they are still treated as second-class citizens, BN should not think that all the problems are over," he said.
Anwar also insisted that the ISA releases would not have a significant impact on the three ongoing by-elections as all newly installed prime ministers did so and PR had already accounted for it in its plans.
While he refused to speculate on the intentions behind the release, he said the government should not "use it to delude the people that injustices can continue to be perpetrated."

Courtesy: The Malaysian Insider

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