Monday, April 27, 2009


Newly-minted prime minister Najib Abdul Razak praised for his 'One Malaysia' concept.
Economists and analysts have been watching closely, whether the government would gradually liberalise more sectors, particularly the more sensitive sectors such as retail and banking, which also have certain ownership requirements but the government is seen as trying to avoid liberalising these sectors to avoid a political backlash.
However, judging from the speed and determination of the new administration, it seems that they are all out for liberalisation in this sector to turn the nation into a more attractive place for investment.
“In fact, we are very encouraged, quite a number of far-sighted decisions are now being undertaken at a very quick pace since he assumed premiership. This is very encouraging. If it follow through, it will have a positive impact on the sentiments, more importantly the investor confidence,” said Chief Economist, RAM Consultancy Service Dr Yeah Kean Leng.
“Less than 100 days, there are breathtaking changes. If we can follow through, it can be achieved in less than 100 days,” he added.
Political analysts said Najib was smart and bold in continuing this anti-affirmative-action jag, as they said he was aware of its political implications and knew that it was also the only way forward, particularly in the current bad global economic situation.
More importantly, Najib’s breathtaking reforms are what the public has been expecting all this while as the way forward for this multiracial but small country which is still very much dependent on natural resources, plantation and manufacturing as the main sources of income.
“It’s a practicality. You have no choice. Either you do something to give it a chance, or you wait till it dies naturally,” said James Wong, a former politician and political analyst.
The Malaysian Insider

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