Sunday, April 12, 2009


The country’s sixth prime minister,Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak has added “People First, Performance Now” to his One Malaysia concept to recapture the people’s confidence and it will be up to him and his cabinet, which has already been maligned by the opposition, to ensure they live up to his slogan. And ensure that his “One Malaysia” is the same as their “One Malaysia”.
Opposition parties have claimed it mirrored the Malaysian Malaysia concept championed by the DAP and, before that, the PAP under Lee Kuan Yew when Singapore was part of Malaysia.
Today, the Umno-owned Mingguan Malaysia refuted that connotation in an opinion piece and put in perspective that One Malaysia means no one in the country will be sidelined but affirmative action policies will continue.
In not to
o many words, it remains faithful to the two planks of the National Economic Policy (NEP) – the eradication of poverty irrespective of race and economic restructuring that was launched by Najib’s father Tun Abdul Razak Hussein in the aftermath of the May 13 race riots.
While Mingguan Malaysia, which enjoys wide circulation in Malaysia’s rural areas where Umno still commands majority support and respect, has made its definition, it remains to be seen how Najib will put the slogan into action.
However, it is clear that the concept will not work with a top-down approach as Malaysians become more aware of the power of their vote and are willing to shop around for a political party or coalition more in tune with their desires and needs.
While the economy is at the forefront of their minds, Malaysians, particularly the young and those in the urban areas have been clamouring for an independent judiciary, respectable police force, equal treatment and politicians who don’t speak from both sides of their mouths.
They have been demanding reforms in various government policies and institutions, handing former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, a huge mandate in the 2004 elections but taking it back in 2008 when the reforms faltered.

Courtesy: The Malaysian Insider

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