Wednesday, April 15, 2009


KUALA LUMPUR: Malay groups say that the concept will not alter the affirmative action programme and is only meant to bring up the level of economic development of under privileged groups, regardless of race.
The Opposition and non-Malays believe that it is not possible to speak about One Malaysia if Chinese, Indians,Kadazan and Ibans continue to be accorded second class status here.
The backlash from the non-Malays as well as unhappiness by the Malaysian Indian Congress over their representation in Cabinet has stirred anger in Umno circles.
Today, Utusan Malaysia, the Umno-owned daily had a front-paged reported titled: “Arise Malays’’. The report called on the Malays to unite and fend off what appeared to be unreasonable demands by other races.
Pasir Mas MP Datuk Ibrahim Ali warned non-Malay leaders that the government could ignore all their demands because Malays held sufficient seats in Parliament to set up a government of only Malay lawmakers.
‘‘The Malay party will be strong when the interests of Malays are looked after. So Umno should focus on Malays. So Umno does not have to feel any fear because I believe that when Umno is strong, the non-Malays will automatically support BN, ‘’ he said.
Ironically whenever Umno feels threatened, ruling party politicians dredge up the idea of Umno and Parti Islam SeMalaysia (Pas) coming together.
Backbencher Datuk Mohamad Aziz said that Umno and Pas should sit down and resolve their differences and work to defend the rights of the Malays.
The Malaysian Insider has learnt that Najib has not fleshed out the One Malaysia concept yet. But events and rhetoric since he took over as PM should be a clear indication that it will take more than a few nice sounding words or gestures to bring down the mercury in Malaysia.
There is deep suspicion among the races and this will not be resolved by proclaiming to be the PM of all Malaysians and tossing a few chapatis.
Malays, Chinese, Indians and others have high expectations of anyone who says he is the leader of all Malaysians. Just ask Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
The Malaysian Insider

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