Monday, March 23, 2009


The political leader of Hamas says President Barack Obama has changed US policy with his use of "new language" toward the Middle East.
"A new language towards the region is coming from President Obama. The challenge for everybody is for this to be the prelude for a genuine change in US and European policies," Italian daily La Repubblica quoted Khalid Mashaal as saying on Sunday.
His remarks came after President Obama offered Iran a "new beginning" to turn back the tide on three decades of mutual animosity.
"For nearly three decades relations between our nations have been strained. But at this holiday we are reminded of the common humanity that binds us together," Obama said in an unprecedented Nowruz message.
Mashaal also said that Israel's three-week long military campaign in the Gaza Strip has not reduced the power of Hamas and that the great powers need the resistance movement to "resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict".
According to Mashaal, it is only "a matter of time" before the world officially becomes open to the Palestinian resistance.
"Our weight in resolving the Palestinian question stems from our roots in society, in the people who have voted for us and who will do so again," Meshaal told La Repubblica.
So far, the US, EU and UN have refused to include Hamas, the democratically-elected Palestinian government confined to Gaza in Middle East peace talks, saying they will deal with the Palestinian movement only after it recognizes Israel
Courtesy: Press TV

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