Sunday, March 1, 2009


KUALA LUMPUR,Malaysia: Malaysian Islamic Party(PAS ) has opposed the Home Ministry's permission for the conditional use of the word "Allah" in Christian publications.
PAS deputy spiritual leader Datuk Haron Din questioned whether the ministry could ensure that the publications would not be distributed to Muslims.
"If the word is purportedly used to hoodwink the people by inferring that the word 'Allah' (in Islam and Christian) is the same, then it could create more confusion," he said.
Haron, who is Universiti Malaya's Islamic Studies Department former lecturer the people had accepted that the word 'Allah' confined to Islam.
A government gazette dated Feb 16 has stated that documents and publications relating to Christianity containing the world "Allah" are prohibited unless the words "FOR CHRISTIANITY" are written on their front covers.
The condition was contained under the Internal Security (Prohibition on Use of Specific Words on Document and Publication) Order 2009.
Malaysian Youth Council (MYC) secretary-general Tajuddin Ahmad said the association opposed the decision as it allowed non-Muslims to refer to Allah as their God.
He said the decision was tantamount to meddling into the af
fairs of the national and state fatwa councils which were entrusted to safeguard Islam.
"The ministry should consult the councils on the decision. Should the councils feel that the decision should be withdrawn, the ministry should do likewise.
"Matters pertaining to religion should not be treated lightly to appease a section of the society," he said, adding that the decision had hurt Muslims.

Courtesy: BERNAMA...
Related Topic: Malaysian newspaper wins right to use the word 'Allah'

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