Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Members of an Israeli right-wing faction have expressed their opposition to US President Barack Obama's support for a two-state solution.
Over 1,800 members of the Unity Coalition for Israel (UCI) have sent emails to President Obama and other members of his staff, questioning "the wisdom" of the new US administration.
The letters were sent in reaction to an announcement by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her visit to the region that the establishment of "a Palestinian state" is a priority for the Obama administration, the Israeli Channel 7 reported.
The move came after far right Knesset member Aryeh Eldad protested Clinton's remarks. Eldad had told Clinton that "most Israeli citizens" do not want the establishment of a Palestinian state. He also accused Washington of "planning to appease the Iranians, Syrians and Palestinians by paying with 'Israeli currency'."
"We are unwilling to risk our very existence in order for the US to buy itself a quiet withdrawal from Iraq."
Based on "a roadmap plan" brought forward by former US President George W. Bush, the cornerstone of the Middle East peace process is a two-state solution that entails the creation of a Palestinian state.
During a peace conference held in the US in 2006, acting Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert vowed to implement the plan and reach a comprehensive agreement by the end of 200
Courtesy: Press TV

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