Tuesday, March 17, 2009


An opinion poll indicates that the majority of Israelis wanted Tel Aviv to stage a longer war on the population of the Gaza Strip.
According to the poll, conducted by the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in Ramallah, two-thirds of Israelis think Operation Cast Lead finished too early.
The survey found that only thirty percent of Israelis support reoccupying Gaza, The Jerusalem Post reported.
Officials in Tel Aviv unleashed a war on Gaza on December 27 allegedly to stop rocket fire from the Palestinian territory, which has been suffering from a 20-month blockade.
Israel later declared a unilateral ceasefire on January 18 after failing to achieve its goals but continues to stage air strikes in the strip.
Palestinian fighters in Gaza have promised to end rocket attacks into Israel when Tel Aviv stops its military operations against the Palestinians and lifts its crippling blockade of the strip.
Israel has also committed war crimes, including the use of the deadly white phosphorus shells in densely populated civilian areas in Gaza as revealed in an investigation by The Times in January.
While Israel initially denied using the controversial weapon, later mounting evidence forced Israeli officials to admit to having employed the shells.
The three-week Israeli assault killed 1,330 Palestinians and wounded 5,450 others a large number of them women and children.
Courtesy: Press TV

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