Monday, February 2, 2009



David Ignatius Armenian descent Moderator
David Ignatius, who caused a great scandal in Davos with his unacceptable attitude against Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, triggered a high tension between Turkey and Israel.
Ironically Mr. Ignatius is of Armenian descent and from Armenian Diapora.

It is well-known that the Armenian Diaspora has serious problems with Turkey and has made all possible efforts to undermine Turkish interests.
Dr. Sedat Laciner, head of the Ankara-based Turkish think tank USAK told the JTW that it is quite strange to prefer a diaspora Armenian for such an elite gathering. "As all we know there is a strong anti-Turkish circle in Armenian Diaspora. They are against anything Turkish. Diaspora Armenians even try to prevent Turkey-Armenia rapprochement. Some of the Armenian diaspora organizations were not happy with the Turkish-Israeli friendship on Armenian claims and they have been trying to spoil that co-operation. I cannot understand how an Armenian moderator can be preferred for Turkish Prime Minister's panel. There is clear provocation, a clear conspiracy there" Laciner said.
Laciner further underlined that Ignatius is known for his anti-Turkish media comments. "He wrote against Turkey and Mr. Erdogan in Washington Post. His position is clear, he does not like Turkey and Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan. He should not have been a moderator in any gathering on Turkey. He is not impartial" Assoc. Prof. Dr. Laciner added.
Source: JTW

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