Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Security guard picks up the shoe that was thrown at Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.
After Bush,the Chinese prime minister has fallen victim to a shoe-throwing incident following a trend set by Iraqi reporter Muntadhar al- Zaidi.
“How can you listen to the lies he is telling? Stand up and protest,” bellowed the protester, who hurled his shoe at Prime Minister Wen Jiabao during his speech at the Cambridge University on Monday.
Wen continued with his address after the shoe landed within a meter from him. “We come in peace. This is not going to obstruct China-UK friendships. History shows harmony will not be obstructed by any force,” he continued.
The premier's visit to Britain has been overshadowed by the presence of anti-Chinese protesters including pro-Tibet campaigners.
Strict security measures were taken against the protesters by the police who, yesterday, arrested five people who had tried to reach Wen by force during his visit to the Chinese embassy in London.
Al-Zaidi, the founder of the method, earned worldwide fame for hurling his shoes at the former US president George W. Bush during a press conference in Baghdad.
Source: AP

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