Sunday, January 25, 2009


KABUL Afghanistan–President Hamid Karzai condemned a U.S. operation he said killed 16 Afghan civilians, while hundreds of villagers denounced the American military during an angry demonstration Sunday.
Karzai said the killing of innocent Afghans during U.S. military operations "is strengthening the terrorists."
He also announced that his Ministry of Defense sent Washington a draft technical agreement that seeks to give Afghanistan more oversight over U.S. military operations. The same letter has also been sent to NATO headquarters.
Karzai in recent weeks has increasingly lashed out at his Western backers over the issue of civilian casualties, even as U.S. politicians and a top NATO official have publicly criticized Karzai for the slow pace of progress here.
The back-and-forth comes as the new administration of President Barack Obama must decide whether to support Karzai as he seeks re-election later this year as part of the United States' overall Afghan strategy.
While in Islamabad President Asif Ali Zardari yesterday lodged a strong protest with the United States for its latest drone-fired missile attacks in North and South Waziristan regions. Latest missile attack has claimed 22 lives.
Zardari, during his meeting with US ambassador here, N. W. Peterson, strongly protested and said these acts were creating difficulties for Pakistan’s security forces to combat terrorist on ground.
Source: AP

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