Monday, January 12, 2009



Israeli leaders Ehud Barak (L), Tzipi Livni (C) and Ehud Olmert (R)
Israeli leaders Ehud Barak, Tzipi Livni and Ehud Olmert have been engaged in deep rift over ending the military operations in the Gaza Strip.
Israeli Haaretz news website quoted sources close to Israeli outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as saying on Sunday that the premier continues to disagree with Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni over the continuation of the war in Gaza.
The three officials discussed the issue Saturday evening in a security cabinet meeting, and both Barak and Livni reportedly argued for ending Operation Cast Lead as soon as possible but Olmert seeks to continue the military operations inside the Gaza Strip, the report added.
According to the report, Livni and Barak also objected the expansion of the ground operations.
Tel Aviv says it waged Gaza war in a bid to topple Hamas government and stop rocket firings from the Palestinian territory to Israel.
Despite heavy Israeli bombardments and a massive ground invasion which has so far killed at least 905 Palestinians and wounded 4000 others mostly civilians, Palestinian groups have managed to fire more rockets into Israeli towns inspiring widespread fear among Israelis.
On Sunday Palestinian fighters fired several rockets into at least five Israeli towns and an Israeli airbase 10 kilometers away from Tel Aviv.
Two Grad rockets landed in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba early Sunday morning, hitting a building and a car. At least six Israelis were wounded in the attacks.
The Israeli cities of Netivot, Sderot, Ashkelon and Ashdod were also among other targets on Sunday.
Source: Haaretz news


  1. Olmert is trying to build up his ass and won't listen to reason. Clueless and corrupt Olmert will do anything to rebuild his tattered reputation even if it means killing all the children of Gaza.

    Despicable in the extreme.

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    Please feel free to comment further .Possibly, I am hoping to comment in yours too. In a way, I agreed with most of your views on this devastating war on the innocence. Sad and inhumane.
