Sunday, January 18, 2009


Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declared Cast Lead a victory Saturday nightand threw the ball into Hamas's court, declaring a unilateral cease-fire that suspends the three-week whose future depends on whether Hamas continues to fire on Israel.
Olmert's announcement followed a three-hour emergency meeting of the 12-member security cabinet that approved the cease-fire by a vote of 7-2, with one abstention. Finance Minister Ronnie Bar-On and Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Eli Yishai voted against, while Pensioners Affairs Minister Rafi Eitan abstained.
According to what was decided Saturday night, Israel will stop its offensive, but will keep the IDF forces in place, see how Hamas responds and whether an effective mechanism will be set up on the border to stop smuggling.
Olmert warned that Iran, through its proxies Hezbollah and Hamas, was trying to establish its own hegemony in the region. He said that Hamas had underestimated Israel's decisiveness, had been "surprised" by the launch of the offensive, and was still not fully aware of how badly it had been damaged..
Source: AP

1 comment:

  1. The Intellectual Redneck,
    Thanks for visiting and commenting in my blog. I appreciated it. On the same token, I had registered your blog in my links.

    I read your articles and wish to comments pertaining to the issues highlighted in your blog.

    However, I would rather abstain to give further comments because of so much complication is going on beyond my comprehension.
    As it is, the information we have is only second hand news provided by other reporters.

    As you know, a lot of endless variation in opinions. Some pro-Israel and mostly pro-Palestinian. For now, my prime concern and priority is the numerous human suffering incurred to the innocent Gazan. Particularly the children and women.

    To prove who is right or wrong is by killing each other is not a lasting solution. As I see it, the situation in those region is a lost-lost and worsen.

    Thanks again and for your further information, many years back I had traveled through Kentucky( your home state) on my way to Illinois from Ohio.
