Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Several Israeli human rights groups call on Tel Aviv to set up an independent investigation into the violations of the rules of war in Gaza.
In a joint statement issued on Tuesday, eight Israeli human rights groups demanded that the government investigate the army's killing and wounding of thousands of civilians during "Operation Cast Lead", which lasted for 22 days.
They urged prosecutor general Menachem Mazuz, who is also the government's legal adviser, to investigate the army's "terrifying" act, in which a number of children and women were killed.
The statement quoted Palestinian Health Ministry figures listing more than 1,300 people dead, including 460 children and about 100 women. Another 5,300 were wounded - 1,855 of them children and 795 women.
"The rules of war seem to have been held in total contempt, forcing Israel to open an independent inquiry immediately," the joint statement said, according to a Middle East Online report.
The human rights groups include B'tselem, the main Israeli rights body covering the occupied territories, Doctors for Human Rights, There is Justice, and the Public Committee against Torture.
At the sometime, the UN humanitarian chief says it is "absolutely critical" for Israel to open all border crossings to the Gaza Strip immediately.
John Holmes said on Tuesday that to rebuild the war-ravaged Gaza, it is "absolutely critical" that Israel reverse the ban it has enforced since Hamas came to power in 2007 and that it allows cement, pipes and other building materials to enter the Palestinian territory.
He stressed that his top priority will be to get all Gaza border crossings opened as soon as possible "otherwise, the reconstruction effort won't get off first base."
The humanitarian official added that the residents of Gaza are also in a dire need of food and fuel.
Source: JP and Press TV

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