Saturday, January 24, 2009


Israel is going to withhold the names of the soldier and commanders involved in the Gaza war. It also provide moral and legal backing for IDF in case they face court cases related to Operation Cast Lead.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Friday that a draft resolution supporting IDF members facing war crimes was prepared by the defense ministry, ministry of justice and state prosecutor, which would be discussed during a cabinet meeting on Sunday
The Israeli government bears the responsibility for sending IDF troops on missions, as well as for defending civilians, and as such is obligated to grant its full support," Barak said, adding that " the IDF is a moral army, and I don't know of any [other] army which operates to such high standards."
He emphasized no officer who participated in the Operation Cast Lead would face punishment. "There is no place for automatic backlash at the end of every operation," he added.
In a related development, the IDF ordered the media to restrict publishing the names of the officers who participated in the operation fearing that international war crimes lawsuits might be filed against them.
Earlier on Thursday, prime minister Ehud Olmert assembled a special team, headed by Justice Minister Daniel Friedmann, to collect evidence related to operations in the Gaza Strip, which could be used to defend military commanders against lawsuits.
The decision came in the wake of an assessment by Attorney-General Menachem Mazuz that Israel would have to deal with a slew of lawsuits.
Richard Falk, an independent UN rights expert, also said Friday that there was convincing evidence that Israel breached basic humanitarian rules and the laws of war by conducting a large-scale military operation "against an essentially defenseless population."
Source: Webmaster

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