Monday, January 26, 2009


Israel dismissed on Friday international calls for a full reopening of border crossings with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, leaving a shaky ceasefire and post-war reconstruction in doubt.
While a U.N. official praised Israel’s "goodwill" for letting 120 truckloads per day of food and medicine into Gaza, other diplomats decried restrictions on steel and cement imports needed to make repairs after Israel’s 22-day offensive.
Hamas has conditioned abiding by the ceasefire, which took effect on last Sunday, on Israel lifting its crippling blockade.
Israel believes the restrictions at the crossings will give it leverage in Egyptian-mediated negotiations with Hamas to free Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier captured in 2006.
But Israel finds itself under increasing pressure to do more to ease hardships for Gaza’s 1.5 million residents.
U.S. President Barack Obama said on Thursday Gaza’s border crossings should be reopened to both humanitarian and commercial goods under a "monitoring regime" that includes Abbas’s Palestinian Authority, Hamas’s rival.
Obama dispatches his Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, to the region soon to try to shore up the ceasefire, which Israel declared after Washington and European powers promised to help stop Islamist Hamas smuggling in weapons.
Obama on Thursday said an outline for a "durable ceasefire" included Hamas stopping cross-border rocket fire, which Israel had cited as the reason for its Gaza offensive. He also voiced sorrow at civilian suffering in the impoverished territory.
"We had expected Obama to express willingness to talk about the real and the democratically elected representatives of the Palestinian people," said Hamas official Mushir al-Masri.
He urged the new U.S. president to "stand at an equal distance in the Palestinian-Zionist conflict, and break with the flagrant American historical bias."
Source: APA


  1. isreal have crossed the line
    we should call war against them
    all muslim leaders especially those from my country (malaysia) have done nothing to help with the situation
    this angers me so

  2. Del Lofis (group Leader),
    Thanks for visiting and your weird comments.
    It is true that as far as humanity is concerned, Israel had cross many lines.
    In fact the whole world is condemning what they has done to Palestine women and children.
    Bombardment of mosque, schools, UN building and using the phosphorus elements to the general public.

    Literally speaking, most Muslim countries had declared war against Israel. This included Malaysia.

    However, It would be insane for now, to send armies from another Muslim countries to fight in the war that is not theirs.

    This war in Gaza is very complex. The Israel defense force is not fighting against the Muslim liberation front but with the Hamas .
    Hamas is a political party within the Palestinian faction. The other is Fatah.

    Meaning , the Israeli is not directly fighting the Muslims. More or less it is a political war.
    Unfortunately , the innocent civilians is sandwiched in between. Off course this civilians included women and children.

    I don’t really know where are you station now. Because as it is, Malaysia is well known all over the world for being very supportive of Palestine suffering in Gaza.

    Malaysia had donated millions to Palestine relief funds. As a protest. Malaysian Boikot American and Jews products in Malaysia.
