Sunday, January 11, 2009



A group of protesting Israeli settlers over Hamas missile
A Grad missile attack on Be'er Sheva struck the city early Sunday morning just as teens were setting out to school for the first time in more than a week.
Shortly before 9:00 a.m., a Gaza rocket also hit the western Negev town of Netivot. No one was injured and no damage was reported.
Two rockets slammed into populated areas in Be'er Sheva at 7:25 a.m., one scoring a direct hit on a car and damaging a nearby building with the blast as well. The second missile hit an electric pole. At least five people were treated for severe emotional shock, but no physical injuries were reported. A third rocket landed in the Sdot HaNegev region, also causing no injuries or damage.
Not so Ashkelon, however: the coastal city was struck by several long-range rockets in the afternoon hours, and at least 27 people were treated for severe emotional trauma. Students have not yet returned to school in Ashkelon.
Nor did Ashdod escape unscathed: a number of Grad rockets also exploded in open areas around Israel's second-largest port city, disturbing the Sabbath for its significant religious population. Other communities in the Gaza Belt region were struck by shorter-range rockets as well.

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