Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Efforts by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and other European leaders to broker a cease-fire in Gaza have so far come to naught. The problem confronting them and any potential peacemakers in the region is that the Israelis don't want a truce that falls short of their goal of defanging Hamas, while the Palestinian radical group is hardly ready to run up the white flag.
Sarkozy said on Monday after his meetings with Egyptian, Palestinian and Israeli leaders made virtually no headway toward a truce.
The approach of Sarkozy and Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg in their parallel missions was basic enough: win agreement for an immediate, 48-hour cease-fire by both Israel and Hamas to allow humanitarian aid to enter and circulate throughout Gaza and treat civilian victims caught in the violence.
To accommodate Israel's security concerns, the Europeans are also proposing the deployment of international troops to prevent the smuggling of weapons that would allow Hamas to rearm for future attacks on Israel.
Sarkozy was angered by the Bush Administration's move last Saturday to block a U.N. resolution demanding an immediate halt to hostilities. "Those who applaud today," Sarkozy growled, "won't be there tomorrow to get us out of this mess." Nor will the European efforts, however. Achieving a truce will require involvement by those with leverage over the key players.
Source: TIME

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