Wednesday, January 14, 2009


LA PAZ , BOLIVIA - Bolivian President Evo Morales said on Wednesday his country is breaking diplomatic ties with Israel over its invasion of the Gaza Strip and will seek to charge top Israeli officials with genocide in Criminal Court for killing hundreds of Palestinians.
Morales said the Israeli attack "seriously threatened world peace." He is calling for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to face criminal charges for the deaths of thousand of Palestinian civilians.
Morales chided the United Nations' "Insecurity Council" for its "lukewarm" response to the crisis. He called for the UN to hold an emergency general session to condemn the invasion.
He also said President Shimon Peres should be stripped of his Nobel Peace Prize Prize for failing to stop the invasion.
Morales, a leftist, is a close ally of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who on Jan. 6 expelled Israel's ambassador in protest over Gaza.
In his speeches, Morales often attacks the United States, a main ally of Israel.He kicked out the U.S. ambassador in September after accusing him of encouraging violent protests against his government.
Chavez followed suit, evicting the U.S. envoy from the oil rich country shortly afterward, in "solidarity" with Morales.
Venezuela is a major supplier of aid to Bolivia.
Source: Reuters

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