Thursday, January 8, 2009



U.S. president-elect, Barack Obama broke his silence on the fighting in Gaza and made it clear that he will have a great deal more to say after his inauguration.
His timing was after the bombing of the UN school in Jabalya where more than 40 Palestinian children were murdered by Israel.
Obama made it clear that starting on January 20 the rules of American involvement in the region will change, and his administration will be a lot more active in pushing the diplomatic process between Israel and the Arabs forward.
Obama's statement signals the direction the U.S. will turn in its attitude to the region: It will support Israel, but will oppose any harming of Palestinian civilians. This means that Israel will find it difficult to close the crossings into the Gaza Strip at will.
It is sort of warning, a faint whisper that the US under Obama will not be tolerant towards Israel in its massive murder campaign against civilians, was not well received by Israel.
Senior officials in Jerusalem said yesterday that Israel has two to four days, at most, for this operation. The talks of the political leadership yesterday also revolved around the question of how Israel should end the operation.
Israel is not content with Obama's statement, thinking that it had a blank cheque from the future White House to kill innocent civilians and go on a rampage against Palestinians in general for being brave and for having the fighting spirit to stand against a monster called Israel the Goliath, one eyed monster
Source: WorldFutures

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