Sunday, December 28, 2008


Texas - The United States urged Israel to avoid civilian casualties in air strikes on Gaza but did not call for an end to the attacks in pursuit of Hamas targets that killed at least 225 people.
The White House said for the violence to end, Hamas, which the United States considers a terrorist organization, must stop rocket attacks into Israel.
Israeli warplanes and combat helicopters pounded the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip killing at least 170 people in the bloodiest day for Palestinians in more than 20 years.
Palestinian militants responded with rocket fire that killed an Israeli, medics said.
"Hamas' continued rocket attacks into Israel must cease if the violence is to stop," White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said in Texas where President George W. Bush is on vacation at his ranch.
"Hamas must end its terrorist activities if it wishes to play a role in the future of the Palestinian people," Johndroe said. "The United States urges Israel to avoid civilian casualties as it targets Hamas in Gaza."
The Bush administration has typically taken the position that Israel has the right to defend itself.
Bush in November 2007 launched an effort to secure an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal by the end of this year but all sides have acknowledged that there is no chance of this happening before he leaves office on Jan. 20.
Mean while US Ambassador to UN Dr. Zalmy khalilzad urges Hamas to stop the rocket bombardment to Israel immediately so that further reconciliation could be initiated.
The United States regards Hamas as a terrorist organization and has worked to isolate the Islamist group since it won a Palestinian parliamentary election in January 2006.

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