Friday, December 5, 2008


Why does someone leave their home and extended (or even immediate) family to walk perhaps thousands of miles, braving armed bandits and border patrols, suffering hunger, assault, rape, and perhaps death in order to enter a country whose inhabitants speak an unfamiliar language and who often oppose the presence of such immigrants with incredibly strong emotion? The Answer is imply poverty.
If we truly want to reduce illegal immigration, why not practice a little “preemptive peace” as a cheaper option than arming our borders or flush those illegal mercilessly throughout the country?
I’m not speaking about ethics or morality or right or wrong at the moment. It’s simply less expensive for us to act to coordinate with the immigrants’ country of origin. Find an immensity solution on how to reduce extreme poverty and its effects among our neighbours. Rather than it is for us to try to keep their most desperate refugees from entering our country.
I met immigrants, legal or possible illegal from some part of the world I had visited. This included place like US, UK and Canada. They agreed that the Immigration phenomena occurred sometimes ago when business companies started loosely hiring cheaper labourers from other countries, so that they can increase profits. It is obvious, this is a golden chance invitation to those desperate Immigrants.
Talking about Malaysia, I guess with the exception of MORO from southern Philippines , the rest do not flee from their countries because of persecution but poverty. Much of the money earned here goes back to their native countries to support their families.
Those countries don’t mind this going on because they get billions of our money coming into their economy so these families can buy food, clothing, housing, cars, televisions, etc, in their countries.
If we want to reduce the problems related to the flood of impoverished immigrants entering our country, let’s talk about our citizen gets screwed here. Let’s talk about the companies no longer want us the citizens to work for them because they are to scare to pay us the minimum wage, health benefits or EPF and other deals with the labor unions that would be required by law.
lets talks about our taxpayer who picks up the costs for medical, school, housing and social services these immigrants need to live here. Let’s talk about the cost for a food, clean drinking water and medicine, previously spent to deter illegal immigration by force.
Do you guys know how much it cost to pay those detained illegal prior to deportation in Sabah? According to source, it is more than One million ringgits a month.
Most of These immigrants of course do not pay taxes and also some commit crimes that the police have a hard time catching because they have no documentation or use false identification, such as Identity cards (MyKad) and names of dead Malaysian citizens which they obtain on the black market.
Our worker will become an endangered species if this is allowed to go on.
Let’s talk about the hard work of seeking and recognizing the causes of our challenges, rather than taking it as problems. So that we can address them directly, rather than bickering about it in our insolvable worst dream.
Briefly, I put up the following points for us to share . Personally, I might not have the answer; myself;
1) The least nebulous and most convincing of all of the immigration arguments are those that based on the assertions that ;
a) Malaysia
is over-populated right now or
b) that it is not over-populated right now.

2) The second most convincing arguments are those that are based on cultural diversity (pro or con), growing the economy, bringing in skilled workers, keeping wages low (the real engine behind much of our recent
policy), currying favor with ethnic voting blocks, or wanting to help or not help a particular ethnic group.
3) The least convincing arguments are the emotional ones such as my grandmother was an immigrant, we owe it to somebody due to history, their conditions, we are a nation of immigrants, you are a bigot if you oppose immigration.
I believe that the Malaysia right now, required decreasing in both legal and illegal immigration.

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