Wednesday, December 24, 2008


KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia: The police are concerned that local children could be influenced by the negative behaviour of foreign illegal street children in the Sabah state.
Sabah Police Commissioner,Datuk Noor Rashid Ibrahim said among the unhealthy behaviour of these street children were stealing, gambling, quarreling, smoking cigarette and sniffing glue.
“The negative behaviour exhibited by these street children could influence the local children and this situation was unhealthy and must be tackled.
“The foreigners brought with them their negative cultures from their own home country and they continued to practice them even thought they were in another country,” he said.
Datuk Noor said this when presenting a working paper at the closing ceremony of the Crime Prevention Seminar 2008,held at the auditorium of the Federal Administration Complex,near here today.
He said if the situation was not tackled,these street children who were uneducated and uncared for could turn to crimes when they grew up.
He said there was basis for such a worry because during the last eleven months of this year,25 percent of the crimes were committed by foreigners.
Meanwhile,he said the Internet contributed the greatest number of crimes because its content was difficult to filter or check,unlike other media.
According to him,obscene and violence materials,superstitious beliefs and other negative elements could be influencing the youth and this could result in unhealthy situations.
“It is no wonder that globalization was one of the reasons for the widespread criminal activities.Internet was dreadful because of its borderless nature across countries,” he said.
In this regard,he hope that the mass media could play an effective role in combating crimes through reports that are constructive and not sensational.
It is obvious that media can exert a great influence on the community through awareness and reports of educational values.
“The media could educate the community on the role and responsibility of each individual in the fight against crimes,and measures to prevent crimes ought to be disseminated.
“Awareness of crime incidents and the punishment meted out to the criminals ought to be highlighted,’ he added.
In addition,media practitioners need to cooperate with the police by disseminating information on how to prevent crimes.

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