Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Israel's F-15C Baz (Falcon) are prepared to attack lebanon
Israel has made contingency plans for another attack against Lebanon which includes occupying the territory south to the Litani River. Israel has made contingency plans for another attack against Lebanon which includes occupying the territory south to the Litani River.
The Israeli daily Jerusalem Post has quoted military sources as saying that the Golani Brigade of the Israeli Army had recently concluded a one-week military exercise as preparations for waging a war on both Syria and Hezbollah.
According to the report, Israel considers Hezbollah as a partner in the Lebanese government, so for Israel there would be no difference between Hezbollah and other parts of the Lebanese government.
The regime has threatened to strike all Lebanese targets in the next war regardless of the fact that they belong to Hezbollah or not.
The military officials said Israel's chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi has called on the cabinet to give the go head for heavy air raids by the Israeli army against Lebanon's infrastructure as long as Hezbollah is a partner to the government.
Israel attacked Lebanon in summer 2006 in a bid to destroy the movement. The 33-day war left many civilians dead and destroyed Lebanon's infrastructure. However, based on assessments by Israeli sources Hezbollah emerged stronger than before after the war.

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